  • RU
  • NEW

    The Russian Tank will definitely not stay in St. Louis. Tarasenko will be exchanged or he will leave for free


    О нас

    The company "Kash Sports Management" specializes in consulting, supporting, and assisting students/athletes in gaining admission to schools, universities, and colleges in the USA based on their sports achievements. We help children decide on their field of study and balance it with their sports careers. We negotiate with educational institutions and sports teams at these institutions, representing the interests of our clients. We arrange terms of admission, scholarships for education, and accommodation for the client. We provide informational support, educational guidance, and sports mentorship to the client and their family throughout the entire duration of their studies.

    Подробнее о нас


    We offer a range of services, here is some text about services, about how these services minimize the waste of time on minor worries that your manager can do

    • Search and selection of an educational institution
    • Search for a place of residence
    • Training assistance
    • Psychological work with an athlete
    Подробнее об услугах

    Наши клиенты

    Pavel Matyunin
    Edis Freimanis
    Alex Magal
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